


  • 片名:家有顽童
  • 状态:HD
  • 主演:汤姆·格林/雷普·汤恩/玛莉莎·寇兰/
  • 导演:汤姆·格林/
  • 年份:2001
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:喜剧/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2022-09-23 01:32
  • 简介:Gordon, 28, an aspiring animator, leaves his home in Oregon to sell his ideas to Hollywood. After being told, correctly, that they are quite possibly the most stupid ideas ever and that he needs to spend time rethinking them, he moves back home. But his father, never a kind man, escalates his mean treatment of his rather unconventional son. Meanwhile, Gord has fallen for Betty, an attractive doctor at the hospital where his friend is staying; she happens to use a wheelchair, and to delight in having her paralyzed legs beaten with a bamboo cane; her sexual aggression intimidates him. Gord's family goes to a psychiatrist, and he lies to her that his father molests Gord's brother, Freddy; Gord neglects to mention that Freddy is 25. Soon, Gordon has the house to himself, and comes up with a winning animated series,"Zebras in America" based on his own family. All this is really a framework on which Tom Green hangs his usual crazy stunts.      Tom Green plays Gord Brody, a slacker who dreams of becoming an animator for cartoon shows. He is forced to move back in with his parents, but then refuses to leave. Along the way, he sexually pleasures various farm animals, licks open flesh wounds, accuses his father of molesting his brother, goes scuba diving in a toilet, plays an organ with several sausages attached to it which are suspended in midair, and does a bunch of other stuff that is too insane, offensive, disgusting, or weird to be mentioned here.      好食懶飛搞搞震,氣得父親“紮紮”跳 !電視搞笑高手湯格連自編自導自演處女作!      終日游手好閒,已經廿八歲了,一直夢想成為荷里活卡通片動畫大師的葛,終於有機會一嚐夢想的工作,但只是暫時性,跟著又跑去芝士工廠做無聊的工作。最後,葛決定回到家去,但父親占士則希望他能長大成熟點,搬離他們,像弟弟法迪般,找一份像樣的工作。葛與父親占士因此事展開父子大戰,葛想出不少古靈精怪的方法來氣父親,弄得占士七竅生煙,使人捧腹大笑……
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 当前资源来源天空 - 在线播放,无需安装播放器


Gordon, 28, an aspiring animator, leaves his home in Oregon to sell his ideas to Hollywood. After being told, correctly, that they are quite possibly the most stupid ideas ever and that he needs to spend time rethinking them, he moves back home. But his father, never a kind man, escalates his mean treatment of his rather unconventional son. Meanwhile, Gord has fallen for Betty, an attractive doctor at the hospital where his friend is staying; she happens to use a wheelchair, and to delight in having her paralyzed legs beaten with a bamboo cane; her sexual aggression intimidates him. Gord's family goes to a psychiatrist, and he lies to her that his father molests Gord's brother, Freddy; Gord neglects to mention that Freddy is 25. Soon, Gordon has the house to himself, and comes up with a winning animated series,"Zebras in America" based on his own family. All this is really a framework on which Tom Green hangs his usual crazy stunts.      Tom Green plays Gord Brody, a slacker who dreams of becoming an animator for cartoon shows. He is forced to move back in with his parents, but then refuses to leave. Along the way, he sexually pleasures various farm animals, licks open flesh wounds, accuses his father of molesting his brother, goes scuba diving in a toilet, plays an organ with several sausages attached to it which are suspended in midair, and does a bunch of other stuff that is too insane, offensive, disgusting, or weird to be mentioned here.      好食懶飛搞搞震,氣得父親“紮紮”跳 !電視搞笑高手湯格連自編自導自演處女作!      終日游手好閒,已經廿八歲了,一直夢想成為荷里活卡通片動畫大師的葛,終於有機會一嚐夢想的工作,但只是暫時性,跟著又跑去芝士工廠做無聊的工作。最後,葛決定回到家去,但父親占士則希望他能長大成熟點,搬離他們,像弟弟法迪般,找一份像樣的工作。葛與父親占士因此事展開父子大戰,葛想出不少古靈精怪的方法來氣父親,弄得占士七竅生煙,使人捧腹大笑……


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    8.0 AiNA THE END/松村北斗/黑木华/广濑铃/村上虹郎/粗品/江口洋介/吉濑美智子/松浦祐也/笠原秀幸/Robert Campbell/大塚爱/安藤裕子/铃木庆一/水越惠子/樋口真嗣/奥菜惠/浅田美代子/石井龙也/丰原功补/松本真理香/北村有起哉/
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    8.0 杰森·缪斯/理查德·雷西尔/Luke Guldan/Tyler Johnson/
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    8.0 安雅·泰勒-乔伊/克里斯·海姆斯沃斯/汤姆·伯克/艾莉拉·布朗/George Shevtsov/拉黑·休姆/约翰·霍华德/安格斯·桑普森//查理·弗雷泽/埃尔莎·帕塔奇/内森·琼斯/乔什·赫尔曼/大卫·菲尔德/Rahel Romahn/戴维·科林斯/戈兰·D·克鲁特/CJ·布隆菲尔德/马图斯/伊恩·罗伯茨/Guy Spence/
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    7.0 费利西亚·特吕松/艾德文·瑞丁/莎拉·拉尔森/埃达·英格薇/妮基·汉斯布莱德/Alva Bratt/Olivia Essén/Maxwell Cunningham/Emil Hedayat/Mustafa Al-Mashhadani/
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    4.0 Latkamon Pinrojkirati/Anchalee Saisoontorn/加图蓬·丹古来/
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    9.0 莉莉·詹姆斯/乔·基瑞/阿尔芭·罗尔瓦赫尔/威廉·达福/Sofia Panizzi/卡门·波梅拉/Giovanni Moschella/Enzo Casertano/Michele Bravi/Eric Alexander/丽贝卡·安托纳奇/保罗·布彻/朱塞佩·布鲁内蒂/加布里埃尔·法斯塔/Silvia Fantoni/Marco Gambino/Antonino Macaluso/Anna Manuelli/Giulio Maroncelli/Michele Melega/
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